Saturday 16 April 2011

So Cheesy!

My favourite food is cheese and a close second is yoghurt. If you have never given your cat cheese then you should stop reading this now and go and give him/her some. I don't know what it is but this rich creamy snack has captured my heart and I wanted you all to know ^.^

Sunday 10 April 2011

Grasshopper Games

Had a wonderful morning! The weather is warm and the sun is out. I spent the morning basking in the sun and playing games with my friend Calico. I found the biggest, most delicious grasshoppper to play with but after a few minutes I lost it in the bushes. Calico then helped me find it again and we spent the rest of the morning relaxing and taking turns to chase the grasshopper. Now I am off to take a cat nap. Enjoy your week ^.^

Calico enjoying the weather

Searching for the grasshopper after losing it for the second time!

Oh wait I think I found it!

 Here it is. Fine catch eh?

Me in my garden ^.^
Many Meows

Wednesday 6 April 2011

My Little Older Bird Brother

Let me introduce you to my 9 year old brother Timmy. He is a blue budgie and he provides me with much entertainment (what with his plastic wife and all that). At first (being a cat) I wanted to eat him but as I've grown older I've realized he is a part of the family an I've grown to love him, and love just staring at him ;)
Here he is ^.^

Many Meows

Tuesday 5 April 2011

Ode to Clause

Just wanted to dedicate this post to my dearest friend Clause.

I met Clause about 6 months after I was adopted and at first I hated him. I had just begun to love my home and revel in all the insects on offer so I just couldn't understand why this white and brown cat could be allowed to just waltz onto my land. Anyway, after a few months of fighting (sometimes I was quite afraid of him), one day we just clicked. I think we were both tired of hissing and fighting and so when we met face to face in the flower bed we just sat...and sat....and sat.

After a few minutes of staring at him I realised that he wasn't that scary and in fact he had a friendly look on his face. He then invited me into a game by gently tapping my paw with his which was all that was needed for me (being a game loving cat) to happily join in. We rolled around and chased each other, played hide and seek and tag. I had never had so much fun in my life. I enjoyed his company for another year or so and then one day......he was gone.

To this day I'm not sure what happened to him but I still hope that he will pop round the corner one day and we could play again. He was a great friend and I miss him a lot but I know wherever he is that he is happy. I can feel it in my feline bones ^.^

Many Meows

Monday 4 April 2011

My Pet Explained

Hi there everyone. This is my first blog so I am very new to this. Hope you enjoy! Here goes:

You have proberbly read my little "all about me" column and wondered who my pet is. Well most cats would agree with me that the title "owner" is offensive to us and so we prefer to call our humans our pets. After all...the cat has the control.

Pets don't like to admit it but we have them wrapped around our little finger. I mean a few meows and hey-presto there's cheese on the floor or chicken in my bowl. To sum it up the cat is the owner, not the human.

Don't get me wrong, I love my pets but they realise just as well as I do who the boss is. Anyway, I look forward to blogging with you and I hope this will help you to really understand what your cat is thinking and how we see life. I am proud to be representing cats around the world ^.^

Many Meows